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< prev - next > Food processing Fruits vegetables and roots KnO 100744_Cassava Doughnuts (Printable PDF)
Cassava doughnuts are thick,
cylindrical, fried products which
are approximately 8 cm in
diameter and 3 cm thick. The
texture is stiffer than cake and
the crust is soft with a deep,
uniform brown colour. They have
a shelf-life of a few days under
correct storage conditions and are
used as a snackfood or in packed
As in all cassava products,
especially those made from bitter
cassava, it is necessary to
detoxify the cassava by removing
or deactivating the components
that yield cyanide. The main
quality factors are the colour and
fineness of the flour and freedom
from dirt, mould and insects. Oil
used for frying should be clear,
of good quality and free from
Heat during frying destroys most contaminating bacteria and the soft crust restricts recontamination
during storage. Good hygienic practices should be enforced during preparation of the dough to
prevent gross contamination and possible survival of large numbers of bacteria after frying.
Packaging and storage
The product should be properly cooled before packaging into a moisture proof bag in order to prevent
water vapour condensing onto the inside of the pack, moistening the surface of the cake and
promoting mould growth. The pack should also be oil resistant and prevent contamination by soils,
insects etc. The product should be stored in a cool, dry place away from sunlight which would
accelerate rancidity of the oil in the product.
Equipment required
Mixer (optional)
Heat sealer
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